Mayor of Franklin’s Woke ‘Pride Month’ Proclamation Read at Event That Included Drag Queens

Franklin Vice Mayor Brandy Blanton read a woke “Pride Month” proclamation on behalf of Mayor Ken Moore alongside City Administrator Eric Stuckey and “Franklin Pride” board president Robert McNamara at “Franklin Pride” on Saturday.

The event, which was a celebration of the “LGBTQ lifestyle,” took place on June 4 from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Harlinsdale Park. The event reportedly had drag queens in attendance as well as other expressions of the “woke” lifestyle.

Young children were also pictured in attendance at the event.

“The mayor was not able to be here today. I’m sure he sends his regrets, but I’m here in his place and very, very honored and privileged to read this proclamation that celebrates this day – that celebrates this community and the LGBTQ community together. Bear with me,” the vice mayor said.

“The City of Franklin is committed to supporting visibility, dignity, and equality for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, and queer, à la LGBTQ people in our diverse community. Whereas it’s essential to acknowledge that the need for education and awareness remains vital to end discrimination and prejudice, whereas this nation was founded on the principal that every individual has infinite dignity and worth … ,” read part of the proclamation.

“Everybody clap right there,” Blanton added, before she read the last line again for emphasis.

“The city of Franklin calls upon the people of this municipality to embrace this principal and work to eliminate prejudice everywhere it exists. Whereas, celebrating the second day in Franklin, at the park at Harlinsdale Farm, raises awareness and advocacy for the LGBTQ community,” she said, continuing to read from the mayor’s proclamation.

“Now therefore I, Brandy Blanton, on behalf of Dr. Ken Moore – mayor of the city of Franklin – do hereby proclaim to you, June 4, 2022 as ‘Pride Day’ in the city of Franklin and encourage all citizens to show their support for the LGBTQ community and to share their belief in the rights of all citizens to experience equality and freedom from discrimination,” ended Blanton’s reading of the woke message.

“Thank you so much for having us,” she said. “I was not able to be here the first time. I’m happy to be here this year and I know it’s only going to continue to grow and grow. So, thanks everybody for being out here today.”

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTRTwitter, and Parler.
Photo “Franklin, Tennessee Pride Event” by City of Franklin, TN – Municipal Government.




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8 Thoughts to “Mayor of Franklin’s Woke ‘Pride Month’ Proclamation Read at Event That Included Drag Queens”

  1. A Certified Teacher, State of TN.

    Sick, disgusting and completely wrongful representation of the good people of Williamson County . I resided in WCS for 9 yrs. but now in Davidson and though not currently a resident I am actively involved in and about the Community and take total PRIDE in the CONSERVATIVE FAMILY – and Christian based living. You are polluting and toxifying this fam community with your shameful behavior which God does NOT CONDONE, and should be stuffed back in the closet like moles and moths to never exploit the pure wholesomeness of children and citizens who know innately that God made us male, and female, and that there is no confusion whatsover. You are sick, but I do hope you find your moral Compass soon before its too late for you. A Leader should never purport such shameful behavior. Step down.

  2. Steve Allen

    The depravity of the Left knows no bounds.

  3. Tim Price

    Shameful behavior by Franklin officials!

  4. 83ragtop50

    Just another giant step in the destruction of what was once a wholesome town.

  5. jamesb

    first it was a day, then a week now a month. what next a year.

  6. Randall Davidson

    drag queens and little children…..way to go Franklin.

  7. Truthy McTruthFace

    california liberalism comes to TN

  8. Ms Independent

